php storm
首先打开窗口 File -> Default Settings -> Code Style -> PHP
点开 Spaces 栏,展开 Before Parentheses
去掉 'if','for','while','switch','catch' 几个的勾选
点开 Spaces 栏,展开 Before Left Brace
去掉 Class,Function,'if','else','for','while','do','switch','try','catch','finally' 几个的勾选
点开 Spaces 栏,展开 Before Keywords
去掉 'else','while','catch','finally' 几个的勾选
点开 Wrapping and Braces 栏,展开 Braces placement
In class declaration 改为 End of line
In function declaration 改为 End of line
点开 Wrapping and Braces 栏,展开 'if()' statement
勾选 'else' on new line
点开 Wrapping and Braces 栏,展开 'do ... while()' statement
勾选 'while' on new line
点开 Wrapping and Braces 栏,展开 'try' statement
勾选 'catch' on new line
勾选 'finally' on new line